пʼятницю, 4 грудня 2015 р.

конспект уроку англ.мови 5 клас "Подорож містами України"

План-конспект уроку
англійської мови для 5 класу
(за підручником «Англійська мова. 5 клас»,
автор О. Карп‘юк)
Тема: Україна.
Підтема: Подорож містами України
практична:     формувати комунікативні навички учнів з теми;
формувати навички  письма;
формувати навичку читання з теми
розвиваюча: розвивати навички говоріння, читання, аудіювання;
розвивати увагу, мислення;
розвивати уміння аргументувати свій вибір потрібної  інформації;
виховна:        виховувати  любов до Батьківщини;
освітня:        ознайомити учнів з  інформацією про основні міста України.
 Тип уроку: формування комунікативних навичок.
Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит,  карта України,  роздатковий матеріал.     
Хід уроку
I. Організаційний момент
T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please!                                                          
- Who is on duty today?                                                                                                                                                 
- What date is it today?                                                                                                                                                  
- Who is absent today?                                                                                                                                                            
- Thank you. Sit down, please!                                                                                                                                     
2. Повідомлення теми уроку.
Today we continue our work  on the topic “Ukraine” and today we will travel about Ukraine and get to know about some of its cities and towns, we will speak about famous places and famous people, answer the questions and tell about our city.
II. Мовленнєва зарядка.  Актуалізація вивченого матеріалу
T: Let us repeat the material we have learnt in the previous lesson. Please take turns and answer the following questions.
1. Is Ukraine a republic or a kingdom?
2. Where is Ukraine situated?
3. What is the capital of Ukraine?
4. What are the big cities of Ukraine?
5. What money do you use in Ukraine?
6. What language do people in Ukraine speak?
7. What are the colours of the Ukrainian flag?
IIІ.  Ознайомлення з новою лексикою з теми «Ukraine»
T: Write the new words into your vocabularies. Don’t forget to write down the transcription and the translations:
region, be famous for, be proud of
T: Answer my questions, using the phrases:
         What are the regions of Ukraine you have already visited?
Who are the most famous people of Ukraine?
What is he or she famous for?
What are  many Ukrainians proud of?
ІV.  Активізація  навички читання
1. Перед текстовий етап
T: Look at the board and repeat after me:
the Oster
Taras Shevchenko
Oleksandr Pushkin
the Art Gallery
Drama Theatre
Skala Podilska
Bohdan Khmelnitskiy
T.: Now each of you gets a card with a word,  read the  words one by one (appendix 1).
2. Текстовий етап
T: Open your books on page 220 and  read the letter below. Read one by one and translate each sentence:
From: Danylo
To: Kid’s World
Subject: Native town
Hello, my name is Danylo. I’d like to tell you about my native town Nizhyn. It is in Chernihiv region. It stands on the Oster river. Nishyn is 855 years old. 81 000 people live here. Nizhyn was a famous centre of culture and arts. Poets Taras Shevcheko, Olleksandr Pshkin and many other well-known people visited Nizhyn. Writer Mykola Hohol studied in Nishyn. There are many monuments, churches and museums in my town, There is the Art Gallery and Drama Theatre in Nishyn, we are proud of or Town, come and see true historical places.

From: Iryna
To: Kid’s World
Subject: Native town
Hi!  I am from Skala Podylska. It is a big village in Ternopil region. Skala Podylska is famous for its large park. There are more than 100 kinds of trees in it. My favourite trees are oak trees. They are strong and can be very old. One of them is over 400 years old. They say that Bohdan Khmelnytskiy has a nap under it.
There are many birds in our park, too, you would visit our beautiful village. I am sre you will love it.

V.  Активізація  навички  діалогічного мовлення
T.:  Each of you gets a card with a question. You are to ask as many people in the group as possible within 3 minutes. Write the answers down to the paper and be ready to present the class with the information how many people have already answered the question correctly and how many didn’t know the answers (appendix 2):
1. What region is Nizhyn in?
2. Is Nizhyn a city or a town?
3. What was Nizhyn famous for?
4. Who visited Nizhyn?
5.  Who studies in Nizhyn?
6. What does Nizhyn look like?
7. Is there a circus in Nizhyn?
8. Is Skala Podylska a town?
9. What region is Skala Podylska in?
10. What is Iryna proud of?
11. How does the park look like?
VI.  Пауза для релаксації
T.:  You are a bit tired, so before we continue our work, please stand up and read the  movements after me (appendix 3)
Cheeks, chin, neck and bump, neck and bump,
Cheeks, chin, neck and bump, neck and bump,
Eyebrows, back, and belly and thumbs,
Cheeks, chin, neck and bump, neck and bump.
VII.  Активізація  навички  монологічного  мовлення
T.:  Have a look at the map of Ukraine (appendix 6). Read the statements. Agree or disagee them. Explain, why:
1. Uman is in Cherkasy Region.
2. Melitopol is in Zhytomyr region.
3. Odesa is proud of its friendly people.
4. Donesk is well-known  as a very ancient city.
5. The Crimea is famous for its summer camps for children.
6. Lviv is proud of its historical places.
7. Yalta was the capital of Ukraine in old times.
T.: Match the following  parts of the statements to  get a  small text about Kyiv (appendix 4):
Kyiv is
one of the places of interest.
The founders of Kyiv are
the central square of the city.
The symbol of Kyiv is
a chestnut leaf.
St Sophia Cathedral is
the main street of Kyiv.
Maidan Nezalezhnosti is
ancient city.
Khreschatyk is
Kyi, Schek and Horiv.
VIII.  Активізація  навички письма
T.: Complete the text with the words from the box (appendix 5).
Kharkiv is the second largest ____ in Ukraine. It was the _____ of Ukraine in 1918-1394. the city _______ the river it is on. Kharkiv is a beautiful green city with lots of ____ trees long the streets. The city monuments, churches, castles and towers tell us a lot about the _____. The city is  ______ its National University. Kharkiv region is _____ with its _______ and _______ people. They are ____ their city.
history, capital, well-known, chestnut, talented, city, hard-working,
are proud of, took its name after, is famous for
IX.  Повідомлення домашнього завдання
T: Learn the  text about Kharkiv by heard and  do ex. 7 p. 125 in your WBs.
X. Оцінювання. Мотивація оцінок
T: Now I see that you have learned all the  information about the cities of Ukraine. I was pleased with your work today. Listen to your marks.  
XI. Підведення підсумків
T: What have we done today?
What was interesting for you today?
What was the most  useful for you today?
The lesson is over. Good bye.

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